Friday, November 1, 2013

What Is Love?

What is love? What is this thing that we feel? When is it true? How do we know when it is real? Is it even real at all? Why does it cause so many people pain? Why does it make people laugh? Why does it make people cry?


This is love.

A mother getting that toy; even if it means that she can't get a coffee.
A father going to work; even if he doesn't feel like it.
A sister letting her younger sister play with her make-up.
One brother saying to another, 'Hey, let's play a video game together!"
A stranger buying another's meal.
A younger sibling making sure that they don't annoy the older sibling.
A older sibling taking the time to hang out and get to know the younger sibling.
A family sacrificing their time on a Saturday to help another in need.
A gift of money, even when the lender has next to nothing.
A mother getting up at 2am to sooth a crying baby.


Love is more.

Love is a verb, it is something that you do.

Love is a noun, it is something that you are.

Love is so much more than what I, or anyone for that matter, can put into words. But, I do know what the greatest example of Love is. It is Jesus. He died upon the Cross to save us, a life for a life. I do not think that there is any greater love. So, today, show someone some love. So, today, be Love.
