Sunday, July 28, 2013

Full of Fright

So many mistakes, So broken
Tears, blood, sweat- all for nothing.
A broken heart, not once but twice.
A vow broken, a promise made
Again, a promise broken.
All is just broken.
Tears, on my knees crying out to the one that truly cares.
Not hearing the answer, thoughts fly through my head.
Not understanding the answer, so confused.
Failing Faith, Full of Fright 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hand in Hand

Hand in hand,
We stand
Now not alone,
On this journey home,
Through test, trials,
And many miles,
We may go,
But I always know,
That you’re there for me
And I hope you can see
That I’m there for you
No matter what you do.